Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Family’s Ramadan and Eid Traditions:
I made it a point to create my own traditions for Eid celebrations years ago when I had Ensaf and then Jamil. We decorate our house with Eid decorations which you can find anywhere now mashallah, which back then there was only a handful of items not there are tons from lights, banners, diy’s too!  I decorate Eid inspired cookies for every Eid, we make it a point to get up for suhoor as a family and pray, I give them a package/bag of activities and goodies at the beginning of Ramadan to help keep them busy during the month especially for times when you need quiet time to pray and read quran or just to rest! We also go for breakfast with family on the day of Eid and to the mosque in the morning, and we celebrate with friends and family all day long, visiting them and vice versa. We create Eid gifts for all our loved ones. And we always bake a bunch of goodies and food that we can share with our neighbor’s on days of Ramadan. Last year we distributed Dates with a Breaking Fast Dua attached to it, the kids really really loved it. Inshallah this motivates you make your traditions too!

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