Monday, June 30, 2014

30 Day Ramadan Countdown

I decided since I had some time this year to create a 30 day ramadan countdown for the kids. There are many ideas to source from on the internet and I took inspiration from those to come up with this. The kids took their first day off today and found a rhyme inside the box that lead them to search the house for a treat. They enjoyed it immensely and really recommend it to get the kids spirit of ramadan going! Hope you like! Ramadan Kareem :-))

Sunday, June 29, 2014

First day of ramadan!

 I prepared a few special surprises this year for the kids and one of them were these ramadan gift baskets I out together to keep them busy during the month and excited to do crafts and such. They ended up loving them and inshallah will be something I continue to do for them..

Ramadan Kareem from us to you!

Love the Fanoos look!

Ramadan Mubarak!

Ramadan decor 2014

A year later...

Yes it's been a whole year since my last post! I have been missing in action very much due to working outside and inside of home as well as caring for my three precious rugrats! But here I am and crazy enough am about to post some ramadan photos of 2014...not 2013..ha! Anyhow hope you enjoy the pics of our ramadan decor this year and some neat ideas to get the kids inspired and going for ramadan god willing :-))